Grandma's Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies

April 18, 2015
Loaded with peanut butter, soft & chewy, rolled in sugar, and fork-pattern adorned ~ Grandma's old-fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies are the stuff childhood cookie memories are made of.

The recipe for these always-a-favorite Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies comes from my Grandmother, who is now 96 years old {and she's a spry 96, for sure!}  So yes, my friends, these peanut butter cookies are truly  the old-fashioned kind! ... loaded with peanut butter, soft & chewy, rolled in sugar, and fork-pattern adorned.
The things childhood cookie memories are made of.

My Mom has very fond memories of enjoying these old-fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies as a kid.  My Grandmother used to bake all.  the.  time.  And these cookies were one of Mom's absolute favorites.

Loaded with peanut butter, soft & chewy, and fork-pattern adorned ~ Grandma's old-fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies are the stuff childhood cookie memories are made of.

So in honor of these passed-down-through-the-family, absolute-family-favorite old-fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies, I thought it would be fun to take a look back at one of the things that inspired the start of The Kitchen is My Playground ... the family cookbook I put together back in 2010.

As a Christmas gift that year for all the women in our family, I compiled and published {through The Great Family Cookbook Project site} "From the Kitchen with Love:  Our Family Favorites" ... a collection of 534 of our family-favorite recipes.

I had so much fun working with the recipes for "From the Kitchen with Love" that shortly after publishing it, my blog The Kitchen is My Playground was born.

I absolutely LOVED working with everyone in our family to pull these recipes together, hearing the stories behind the recipes, and working to document many recipes that ... before this cookbook ... existed only in some of our family women's heads.

To ensure that coveted soft texture, we watch them closely while baking and take them out of the oven as soon as they are lightly browned.

At the time of publishing, I had personally cooked 282 of the 534 recipes included in our family cookbook.  Now about 4 years later, as of April, 2015, I have cooked 343 of the recipes.

Hmmm, that means I've made 61 of the recipes over the past 4 years.  I truly thought I had done more of them than that.

I have a personal goal of eventually cooking every  recipe in the cookbook.  I better get moving on that! ... because my pace so far doesn't seem to be all that great!

But Grandma's old-fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies??

These  I have made!  Many, many times.

Grandma's Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies

Along with things like No-Bake Chocolate Eclair Dessert, Oreo Icebox Dessert, and Molasses Crinkles, old-fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies are truly one of our family's absolute, absolute  favorites.

And this version from Grandma is the best.  The texture is soft, which is how our family likes its cookies.  To ensure that coveted soft texture, we watch them closely while baking and take them out of the oven as soon as they are lightly browned.

That's one of the secrets to soft-baked cookies ... to, actually, slightly under-bake them just a tad.  Not to the point of them still being gooey in the middle.  But, taking them out of the oven when they're just barely  baked through.  This will give you a soft texture every time.

So if you're hankering for some old-fashioned peanut butter cookie goodness, bake up a batch of Grandma's cookies and have a stack ... we hope you enjoy them as much as our family always has, and still does.

 Grandma's Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies
Thank you for stopping by The Kitchen is My Playground. We'd love to have you back soon!

peanut butter cookies, peanut butter cookies recipe, cookie recipes
Cookies & Bars
Yield: 5 to 6 dozen cookies

Grandma's Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies

Loaded with peanut butter, soft & chewy, rolled in sugar, and fork-pattern adorned ~ Grandma's old-fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies are the stuff childhood cookie memories are made of.
prep time: 20 Mcook time: 9 Mtotal time: 29 M


  • 1 c. unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 c. light brown sugar
  • 1 c. granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 c. creamy peanut butter
  • 3 c. all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/8 tsp. salt


How to cook Grandma's Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies

  1. Place butter and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl; beat with a stand mixer or electric mixer at medium speed until fluffy, about 2 minutes. While continuing to beat, gradually add brown sugar and granulated sugar; beat until well combined.
  2. Add eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition until incorporated. Add peanut butter and beat until combined.
  3. Add flour, baking powder, and salt; mix on low speed until just combined.
  4. Roll dough into 1-inch balls; place on a cookie sheet. Flatten with a fork dipped in granulated sugar; repeat with the fork turned perpendicular to the first marks to create a cross-hatch pattern.
  5. Bake at 375 degrees for about 9 minutes, or until very lightly browned.
  1. I like my peanut butter cookies soft, so I watch them closely while baking and take them out of the oven as soon as they are lightly browned.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You might also like these other classic cookie recipes:

The BEST Snickerdoodles

Coconut Macaroons

The BEST Oatmeal Cookies

Snowball Cookies

Molasses Crinkles

Rolled Butter Cookies

Grandma's Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies ~ Soft, tender, rolled in sugar, fork-pattern adorned & loaded with fabulous peanut butter flavor! These peanut butter cookies like Grandma used to make are the stuff childhood cookie memories are made of. #peanutbuttercookies #cookies

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  1. The family cookbook is a fabulous idea! What a treasure to have all those recipes together. I was lucky enough to get my Grandma's recipe box when she died and it is my most treasured possession! These cookies look delicious, a lot of times the traditional recipes are the best!

    1. Thank you, Krista! Yes, the cookbook is indeed truly a treasure ... as is your Grandma's recipe box. So special! And I agree, the traditional recipes are usually the best. Classic for a reason, right?

  2. I love old fashioned recipes with a history, and they are even better when they taste amazing like these look! I love a good soft peanut butter cookie so I'm going to Pin this recipe:) thanks for sharing!

  3. Family recipes are the best, and these sound super tasty! :)

  4. I love peanut butter cookies. Especially the old-fashioned kind. I haven't tried the three ingredient kind cause I'm an old-fashioned kind of girl. Pinned to try later. Have a great weekend! Diane

  5. I've got to make these asap! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again this week!

  6. So incredibly delicious, my favorite! Thanks for linking up with What's Cookin' Wednesday!

  7. I just made peanut butter cookies yesterday, love them

  8. Making these now...really if I could only stop testing at two. :)

  9. I loved your grandma's recipe!!Thanks for sharing! But much more so...loved that you actually created the family's been on my mind for several years now, hopefully now that I'm retired, it is something I will work on this winter. Did you find that the company you went with was the best???

  10. These cookies look amazing -- and your photography is terrific! Was wondering if you use Tailwind -- because I am starting a new tribe called CHRISTMAS COOKIES and I'd love for you to participate! If you're interested, send me an e-mail and I'll invite you! Thanks -- these cookies are going on my MUST TRY list this year!

  11. Delicious recipe added white chocolate chips and Reese's chips just bc we had some

  12. We will love your Peanut Butter Cookies! Hope you have a great week and thanks so much for sharing this awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday!
    Miz Helen

  13. I made a batch of these today. Hubby says they are really peanutty and gives them a thumbs up. Made 16 big cookies for home and 20 smaller cookies to give away. Yummy.

    1. Please tell Hubby that my Hubby agrees! That is two thumbs up.....Thank you for sharing your comments.

  14. Replies
    1. Yes, we fill the measuring cup with brown sugar, then press it down with the back of a spoon. Then we add more brown sugar and compact. We repeat the process until we have a full cup.

  15. Regarding "Grandma's Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies", I did not see baking soda as an ingredient. Was that an oversight or correct? If using baking soda, would the 2 teaspoons of baking powder stay the same? Thank you.

    1. Here is what we know: Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate, with nothing else in that box. In order for it to produce the gas, it needs an acid added. Then it gets to work neutralizing the acid, and in the process, it produces C02. Think back to the baking soda volcano experiment in grade school: when your science teacher added acid, it bubbled up and overflowed. Buttermilk, yogurt, lemon juice or molasses are a few of the acids we use in baking to activate baking soda. For this reason, baking soda is used in recipes that require an acidic ingredient added.

      Baking powder is a combination of sodium bicarbonate and powdered acid (like cream of tartar). Because it already contains an acid, all it needs is moisture and heat added to activate it. It's typically used in recipes that don't call for an acidic ingredient added.

  16. I made these yesterday. I wanted something simple and delicious. I can't have gluten so I easily substituted the flour for 1:1 GF, used coconut sugar, light brown sugar, a vanilla my mom made as a gift and cage free eggs. (all auto immune approved) I baked them for the 9 minutes you suggested and left them to cool on the parchment/light colored sheet pan. I did not put them on a rack to cool, just stored them in gallon ziplock freezer bags. Now, I bake often enough and make many different comfort treats but this is the one that my husband says is now my "signature cookie". He's an amazingly good cook with a wide palette and this is now my go to. It makes me giggle because it proves something made with love (your recipe came from the love of your matriarchs) can be most powerful in keeping a military man's belly happy. Thank you for sharing your recipe. I have pinned this as my only recipe for PB cookies and I will be making this when family gets to visit. Big smiles.

    1. Thank you so much for the comment and thank you for sharing your tweaks!

  17. I’m late to the party. But, these cookies are the absolute best. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe. ❤️

  18. Great recipes! Thanks for sharing them!

  19. These are just like I made for many years. I am so glad to of found a very similar recipe. I add more peanut butter to mine as my family insists. The best peanut butter cookies ever.Thank you so much. Came out perfect at 11 minutes at 375° 🥰


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