Baked Ham with Brown Sugar Glaze

March 12, 2015
With just a few simple steps, this beautiful Baked Ham with Brown Sugar Glaze can adorn your table.  And even better ~ be in your tummy.  It's easier than you think!

Baked Ham with Brown Sugar Glaze

Not too awfully long ago, I said to my mother-in-law, "You know, I've never baked a ham."  I'm not sure why I had never baked a ham up to that point ... I just never had.  "Well, there's nothing to it," she replied.

Since then, I've become quite practiced at "the art" of baking a ham.  And my mother-in-law is right ~ just like with her delicious stovetop pork roast, when it comes to baking a ham there's truly nothing to it.  Except -- buying a great ham.

Truly, if you want moist, tender, juicy, and fabulously flavorful ham ... buy a great ham.

After that, it's just hard to go wrong.

Perhaps if you totally ignored the timer and let the ham go waaaaaay too long in the oven ... or didn't pay attention when setting the oven temperature and set it waaaaaay too high ... you could mess it up.  So let 's just not do that, okay?  Other than that, I think it is  just hard to go wrong with a great ham.

I suppose what makes a great ham can come down to a matter of preference, but I firmly believe a great ham is a bone-in whole ham.  No pre-cut, spiral-cut, or any-cut stuff for us.  No pressed-together-without-a-bone stuff either.

In our kitchen, it's got to be a whole bone-in ham.  And while you can buy these in 'regular' grocery stores, I feel very blessed to have one of the best meat suppliers around at which to buy my meats ~ Shuler Meats.

Shuler Meats Thomasville, NC

Since moving to Lexington, NC seven months ago, Shuler's has quickly become my go-to place for meats.  If you live in the area, I highly recommend you give Wayne Shuler and his crew at Shuler's Meats a visit.  They'll take great care of you, and help you out if you need it!

When my hubby Mark and I went to buy this particular ham, Mr. Wayne was kind enough to cut the hefty almost 25 pounder into two halves for us.  That way we could enjoy it just 12 or so pounds at a time ... 'cause while I looooove ham leftovers, 25 pounds of ham at once would have been a tad much.

Once you've got a great ham, simply place the ham, fat and all, in a rimmed roasting pan ... no water, no oil, no nothing ... just a dry roasting pan ...

Baked Ham

... and cover the ham with foil.

Baked Ham

Then bake that beautiful ham for 30 minutes per pound in a 325 degree oven.

Now sure, you can get a little fancy ... and score the skin and fat, even making a diamond pattern or something if you'd like.  You can stud the cuts with whole cloves.  And I'm sure myriad other fancy things.

But us?  We go simple.  Just a ham and some foil popped in the oven.

And simple sure tastes good.

When there's 30 minutes left in the ham's baking time, make the glaze by combining some brown sugar, fresh orange juice {or pineapple juice}, and ground cloves ...

Brown Sugar Glaze for Baked Ham

... and mixing it up until it forms a thick paste.

Brown Sugar Glaze for Baked Ham

Remove the ham from the oven, slice off the fat so the brown sugar glaze can reach and flavor the meat itself ...

Baked Ham

... and slather that brown sugar glaze all over that gorgeous baked ham.

Baked Ham with Brown Sugar Glaze

Very loosely re-cover the glazed ham with foil and continue baking for the last 30 minutes of the baking time.

Then if you're like me, wait very impatiently for that last 30 minutes to pass ... just waiting and waiting to dive into that moist and juicy meat.  Jussssst about the time you can't stand it any more, it will be done.

And believe me, you'll have a beautiful Baked Ham with Brown Sugar Glaze ready to grace your table and satisfy your tummies.  

And see?  As my mother-in-law said, there's truly nothing to it.

Check out these other tasty meat main dish recipes:
Baked Ham with Brown Sugar Glaze
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baked ham recipe, how to bake a ham, ham with brown sugar glaze
Main Dishes
Yield: varies based on size of your ham

Baked Ham with Brown Sugar Glaze

Follow a few simple steps to bake a moist, juicy, and flavorful ham with brown sugar glaze. It's easier than you think!
prep time: 15 Mcook time: 30 Min per pound total time: varies


  • 1 fully cooked, bone-in ham {whole or half a ham}, any size
  • 3/4 c. brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. ground cloves
  • 1 T. pineapple juice or fresh orange juice


How to cook Baked Ham with Brown Sugar Glaze

  1. Place ham in a rimmed roasting pan and cover with aluminum foil. Bake at 325 degrees for 30 minutes per pound. {So, for example, a 5 lb. ham would bake for 2 1/2 hours. An 8 lb. ham would bake for 4 hours, etc.}
  2. One half hour {30 minutes} before the ham baking time is done, make the glaze by mixing the brown sugar, cloves, and fruit juice to form a paste. 
  3. Remove ham from the oven and slice off the skin and fat. Spread brown sugar glaze all over the ham.
  4. Loosely re-cover ham with aluminum foil and return to oven. Continue baking for the remaining 30 minutes of the baking time.
  5. Let stand, covered, for 10 minutes before slicing to serve.
Created using The Recipes Generator

Got ham leftovers?  You might also enjoy these other tasty ham dishes:


  1. A lovely and easy recipe. Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much, Liz. We do indeed think this recipe turns out one lovely ham! We love it.

  2. Looks delicious! I like your measuring spoon too!

  3. Your Ham looks fabulous and I love your Ham Salad. Your post is awesome and thanks so much for sharing it with Full Plate Thursday!
    Happy Spring!
    Miz Helen

  4. I was just thinking of baking a ham for Easter. I love ham for sure. I will need to order one though and hope that I can find my baking dishes because we are moving this week. Thanks so much for linking up to Tips and Tricks. Hope to see you again this week. Kathleen @ Fearlessly Creative Mammas

  5. I really like the ham recipes, and I think you made the recipe is quite interesting to try

  6. I love ham! We actually have it at Thanksgiving & Christmas too since we like it more than turkey. Thanks for sharing with us on Happiness is Homemade at I'd love if you'd come by & share on our newest link party, Craft Creators, as well. It's open Thursdays at 6am CST thru Mondays at 11:59pm. I think the readers of that party would love to see this. Hope to see you there!

  7. Thanks so for sharing with Full Plate Thursday, 684. We really enjoyed featuring you post. Hope you are having a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

    1. Thank you for the feature. We always enjoy linking with you and looking at all the other recipes.


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