Kiwi Sangria Popsicles

July 15, 2012

The title of the Southern Living  magazine article from which I adapted these popsicles was "Serve a Cocktail on a Stick" ... ummmmmm, okay!  You really don't need to twist my arm on that one.

And since these have kiwi in them, I decided they were just perfect to give a whirl for this month's installment of the Eating the Alphabet challenge - letters K or L.  The original recipe was for white peach sangria pops, with a little splash of kiwi and raspberry ... I decided to change it up to be just kiwi with a touch of raspberry.  I think you could put in just about any fruit you'd like!

Remember these cute little Dixie paper cups?  That's what you'll need to whip up these popsicles.

First mix up some white wine, white grape juice, sugar, and fresh lemon juice ... and pour it into the cute little cups.

Then drop in a raspberry and some kiwi.

Next, get inquisitive about the wine-and-fruit combination ... give it a little taste ... decide it tastes really good ... and serve up an un-frozen popsicle for the chef.   You know, 'cause this cookin' stuff's rough and the chef deserves it.

Then cover each cup with a small piece of aluminum foil and make a small slit in the center of the foil with a knife ...

 ... and insert a popsicle stick through the slit.

You're ready for the freezer! 

Now one big tip I can give is to make sure you've cleared a spot in your freezer to put these before you're standing there with the freezer door wide open, one hand precariously holding a plate of liquid popsicles, and one-handedly trying to rearrange the entire freezer contents.

I might have learned that the hard way.

When you're ready to enjoy your popsicles, just peel off the paper cup and enjoy away!

Mmmmm.  Popsicles are all grown up.

Kiwi Sangria Popsicles
Source:  Adapted from Southern Living  magazine's White Peach Sangria Pops, July 2012
2 1/4 c. dry or semi-sweet white wine*
3/4 c. white grape juice
1/3 c. sugar
1 T. fresh lemon juice
12 raspberries
2 kiwi fruit, peeled and sliced
12 (3 oz.) paper cups
12 wooden popsicle sticks or ice cream spoons

1.  Combine wine, grape juice, sugar, and lemon juice in large measuring cup.  Stir until sugar dissolves.  Pour mixture into paper cups.  

2.  Quarter each kiwi slice.  Drop a raspberry and four kiwi quarters into each cup.

3.  Cover each cup with aluminum foil.  Make a small slit in the center of each cup's foil and insert a popsicle stick.  Freeze 8 hours or until firm.

*NOTE:  For this batch I used a semi-sweet sparkling Moscato.



  1. Visiting from the link up! These look too good - they would be perfect for the beach!

  2. Yummy! I will be pinning this for future reference!

  3. Great photos. Can't quite imagine what they tasted like - may have to try it. We call them kiwifruit because in New Zealand we call New Zealanders kiwis after our national bird (which can't fly).

    I found this on Stone Gable's On the Menu Monday. I have linked in a fried chicken dish that you don't want to look at if you are dieting! Have a nice week.

  4. Oh, I think my mom will love those! It's a drink and dessert all in one :)

  5. Oooh, yum. These sound wonderful! And they are so pretty too.

  6. Replies
    1. even though I'm allergic to kiwis lol

  7. Yum!! Saving this for next summer (when I'm not preggo)... love the idea of using moscato. Woud love for you to link up at my Pin It Thursday party--

  8. Ooh, these look SO delicious!!
    Thank you so much for sharing @ {nifty thrifty sunday}! You will be featured at this week's party!
    xo! Vanessa

  9. This looks fantastic! We would love to invite you to join us at Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes! We know our readers will love your recipes as well! Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie :)

  10. It all looks delish! Do you think it would work sans wine?

    1. ABSOLUTELY! Just replace the wine with additional white grape juice, or other 'juicy' liquid of your choice. It will work just beautifully.

  11. I love sangia, this seems so natural!! This will be perfect for any summer time dinner party! Just so happens, I'll be hosting one soon, hmm guess what I'll be making???

    1. Enjoy, Tanya! Just FYI ... when some started to melt during my photo shoot, I just stuck them in a wine glass and drank them as a 'wine slush' ... which was FABULOUS! I enjoyed the 'slush' just as much as the popsicles. So, no worries if they start to melt during your dinner party!!

  12. They look beautiful and they sound delicious.

  13. Hi Tracey,
    What a great idea for this delicious treat, your photos are just awesome!
    Hope you are having a great week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  14. I love these. What a fun treat!! I'd love to have you link this up to Tasty Thursdays on The Mandatory Mooch. It's a new linky party starting today. Hope to see you there. Thanks, Nichi

  15. I'm running behind!! Thanks so much for sharing at the What's for Dinner party last week. Hope to see you there this week too!! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


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