Peach-Pineapple Salsa

June 14, 2012

This week I have the wonderful honor of co-hosting It's a Keeper Thursday, a weekly linky party hosted by Christina at her fabulous blog, It's a Keeper.  Christina and I invite all you foodie bloggers out there to link up your latest creations through the linky party below.  If you haven't visited  It's a Keeper before, pop on over!  You'll be glad you did.  If you're a first-time visitor to The Kitchen is My Playground, welcome! ... I'm glad you're here.

It's a Keeper

I started taking part in It's a Keeper Thursday exactly one year ago when my blog was a wee five months old, and have been a loyal participant ever since.  Just out of curiosity, I checked through my archives to see what post was the first I ever linked up with Christina's party ... it was a fun trip down memory lane trying to find it!  And it wasssssssss ... drum roll please ... Antipasto Platter with Grape Tomato & Caper Salad.  (Oooooo, such a great salad for all those summer tomatoes we've all got comin' up soon!)

I'll admit that I stressed a little bit about what to make for this co-hosting post.  Okay, I stressed just a teeny tiny bit.  Okay, okay ... I didn't really stress at all ... I just gave it quite a bit of thought.  And I decided to go with one of my original recipes.  One that takes advantage of the fresh peaches that are just starting to come in season here in the Carolinas.

So ... in honor of co-hosting It's a Keeper Thursday, I whipped up a little Peach-Pineapple Salsa for ya.  I created this salsa a few years ago after one of our summer peach picking trips.  (Not that we have to go far ... we have a peach orchard about 5 miles from our house.)  When I whipped it up this week, hubby and I both agreed that I really need to make this more often.  Mmmmmmmm ... it is sooooo  good.  It's refreshing, sweet, and spicy - all at the same time.

All you do is mix some chopped fresh peaches and fresh pineapple with other traditional salsa ingredients ... like cumin, fresh lime juice, and cilantro ... and you've got one delicious salsa.  We usually just eat ours with tortilla chips, but I think it would also be great spooned over grilled chicken or pork tenderloin.

Serve it up in a pineapple bowl ...

... or, in a 'regular' ol' bowl.  Either way - it's sure to be a taste bud treat!

Check out these other super tasty salsa recipes:

Peach-Pineapple Salsa
Source:  A Tracey creation
2 c. chopped fresh pineapple
2 c. chopped fresh peaches
1 jalapeno pepper*
1/2 of a medium red onion
1 red bell pepper
1 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. salt
Juice of 1 or 2 limes
1 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped

1.  Finely chop pineapple, peaches, jalapeno, red onion, and red bell pepper.  

2.  Combine all ingredients and chill for about 30 minutes before serving.  Serve with tortilla or pita chips.

* Remove seeds and ribs for a 'medium' salsa.  For more heat, leave in some of the seeds.  I remove the seeds and ribs from 1/2 of the jalapeno and leave them in the other half, which results in a pretty spicy salsa.



  1. Hi Tracey! We love fruit salsas and this one looks like a keeper for sure! There's just something about sweet, salty and a little spicy all mixed together. Yummm! (and your photos are beautiful, btw!) Thanks so much for co-hosting the party today. Newly following through GFC, Linky, Pinterest & Bloglovin'. Have a very happy Thursday and an awesome weekend! ~Mary

    1. Welcome, Mary! Thank you so much for your kind words. Glad to have you here at The Kitchen is My Playground!

  2. This is just the most beautiful salsa I have ever seen... and it's healthy! Thank you so much for sharing it on foodie friday.

  3. I just co-hosted It's a Keeper today! What fun. This salsa sounds fabulous. Love your display. Thanks for sharing at Whatcha Whipped Up Wednesday

  4. Tracey! So happy to let you know that you are being featured this week over at Addicted to Recipes! I can't wait to try your salsa recipe, it's just beautiful!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I just can't wait to put this wonderful delicious eye catcher together, to show off. Peach, Pineapple Salsa.....Yummmmmy. Thank you.


  7. Tracey,
    The pineapple bowl is a lovely presentation. Thanks for giving me the link to include in my upcoming Band Fruit Fundraiser Recipe Round Up! It will be published on 12/4/2013!


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